“Steady State Theory” – It was rejected on the wrong grounds!

“Steady State Theory” – It was rejected on the wrong grounds!

(An Implication of the “Theory of Grand Settlement”- As Reproduced from “The Second Religion”)







Copyright © Selvaganesan Ramaiah 2020 / ROC (INDIA) No. L-92078 / 2020


The Steady State Theory : It was rejected on the wrong grounds!

The Steady State model of cosmology came in to being by 1940s. It was Fred Hoyle along with Hermann Bondi and Tommy Gold who brought out a new concept of the Universe that was unchanging yet dynamic. Yes, he beautifully compared the Universe to a smoothly flowing river which looks to be static externally but dynamic internally.

Hoyle’s intuition in the overall sense was right except that it couldn’t explain how the energy creation and energy annihilation were effected as clearly did by the new (WS-BS) model of cosmology, proposed by a new theory called, “Theory of Grand Settlement” (see the link added below).

The Hot Big Bang model was also partially right as far as the inflationary (steep) and sustained (flat) expansion portions of the Space Expansion Curve of the standard model is concerned. It tallies with rapid growth (center) arm and sustained growth (final) arm portions of the S-type exponential growth function of the new model.

The sustained expansion of Big Bang model starts after Inflationary Epoch, that is, from the event of CMB radiation at 2.7 K temperature. This background temperature can also be better explained by the new model, as the creation of energy was smooth at the absolute zero temperature in the absolute empty space.

Also, about the “End of the Universe”, Hoyle’s Steady State Theory claims that the aged galaxies go away from the observable universe and new galaxies would compensate the same. And the Hot Big Bang model comes out with different scenarios like, Big Crunch. Big Freeze, Big Rip, etc. But both of these claims are rejected by the new model.

The new model claims that the Origin and the End of the Universe can be events of Infinite Past and Infinite Future, as respectively called, the White Singularity and the Black Singularity. At the same time, there would be continuous creation of energy at White Singularity (absolute empty space) and continuous (final) annihilation of energy at Black Singularity, ongoing eternally.

The claim of WS-BS model that energy bodies would gradually annihilate due to their phase differences as they head towards Black Singularity, tallies with a lot of observations that were already made and are being made by scientists.

The recent observations reveal that there are many galaxies that are almost grown up to a maturity-level of today’s Milky Way, even around 13 billion years ago. That means by now, these galaxies would have further grown up and matured by 13 billion more years than our milky way. Perhaps by now they would even have got annihilated while heading towards the Black Singularity.

But cosmologists with the premises of Hot Big Bang model try to attribute such galaxies to a category of Fast Aging Galaxies which attain the characteristics of 13 billion years old in 1.5 billion years. Yes, they vehemently push them into the domain of Young Universe instead of the Aged Universe.

Also prevalence of light elements in the Early Universe, abundance of Quasars and Radio Galaxies in the Young Universe that support the Big Bang model, as claimed, are all better justified by the new model.

The Big Bang proponents extrapolate the red shift observations of Hubble’s Experiments backwards to a Hot Big Bang. They deduce that after a rapid expansion the early Universe cools down to 3 K temperature (near Absolute Zero) and emit CMB relics. They also deduce that, normal matter starts forming after 380000 years from Big Bang. These inferences are clearly met by the new model too.

As per the new model our contemporary (in the age group of milky way) galaxies would have been Quasars and Radio Galaxies in Young Universe about 8 to 10 billion years ago. We would have been in the stage of plasma of particles like proton, neutron, photon, etc., in the Early Universe about 13.5 billion years ago. We would have been fundamental phase-shifted energy components creating the very basic energy-space-time continuum about 14 billion years ago. Similarly, we may be part of a more matured (aged) galactical body after few billion years from now. And we may get fully annihilated after many billion years, in the future.

Thus, the life-period of a typical energy-speck (or energy-body) from birth to annihilation, being finite, may be in the order of tens of billions of years. For example, we, the residents of Milky Way galaxy might have already lived an average period of about 10 to 15 billion years since our birth at White Singularity and we may get annihilated while heading to or at, the Black Singularity, in about 10 to 20 billion years from now. Whereas, cycles of such energy-flow would have originated infinitely long back in time, and it may continue forever in the future too. Thus, the origin of the Universe at the White Singularity and the end at the Black Singularity must be the events of infinite-past and infinite-future respectively, justifying the modified steady state theory called “WS-BS Model of Cosmology”

[For full article, please visit,



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