CMB is a Live Radiation !


CMB is a Live Radiation !

(An Implication of the “Theory of Grand Settlement” – As Reproduced from “The Second Religion”)





Copyright © Selvaganesan Ramaiah 2020 / ROC (INDIA) No. L-92078 / 2020


Cosmic Microwave Background: It cannot be the remnant of Electromagnetic Radiation of the “Hot Big Bang” anymore!

In the concordance model of cosmology, the theory says that the Universe started from a hot Big Bang, a primeval atom of very high density (10^90 kg/cm^3) with a very high temperature (10^32 K). As it expanded, both density and temperature rapidly came down. It was when the temperature came down to 3000K (after 380000 years from the Big Bang), the decoupling of photons took place from the wall of Last Scattering and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation had started.

Further red-shift of the CMBR, due to cosmic expansion, for a period of 13.7 billion years enabled further cooling of temperature to as low as 2.7K, which is being now observed of the CMB radiation everywhere in the Universe. One should not forget that the scientific community could make sufficient experimentations and observations, backward from now, only up to the events of the surface of the Last Scattering. Before that, up to the event of hot Big Bang all the inferences were only theories based on hypothetical speculations.

Here comes the new model of cosmology called, “WS-BS Cosmology” along with a new gravitational phenomenon called, “ERS Gravity” proposed by the “Theory of Grand Settlement” (see the below added link) negating the speculated portion of the Big Bang model. The WS-BS cosmological model states that the start of the Universe was an event indefinitely long back in time, possibly by a vacuum fluctuation of very small speck of energy. It catered to creations of a host of phase-shifted anti-energy specks which in turn individually catered to further creations of phase-shifted anti-energy components. Reasonably these chains of energy creation were at exponential rates and are continuing even today.

Here, the point of energy creation is the Absolute Empty Space which is the fundamental empty space covering entire energy-space-time continuum of the Universe. If we drill down from any point in the energy-space-time continuum of the Universe, towards nothing (zero point), we would end up only in this Absolute Empty Space. That means, energy that emanates from this absolute empty space will flow into our universe uniformly from everywhere.

This energy specks clumps together due to the ERS (Energy Rejecting Space) Gravity of the new model, to form a gradient of energy from Vacuum energy (Dark Energy) to Dark Matter to Sub-Atomic Particles to Atoms to Molecules to Stars, and so on. Interactions of these fundamental energy specks, while clumping, will enable release of photons of electromagnetic radiation, forming microwave spectrums. The temperature at the absolute empty space would be absolute-zero and that of energy clumps and hence of the microwave radiations would be values above zero. Reasonably the average temperature of this microwave radiation would perhaps be around 3K, as being observed by scientists today.

Interestingly the new model accepts all the cosmological tests and observations being made by the scientists, as it is, and justifies them better than the Big Bang model. For example, as per the new model, there is no scope for further decrease in the temperature of the microwave radiation from today’s 2.7K. Also there is no scope for increase in the wavelengths too. The microwave radiations need not be the oldest and farthest in both time and space. It rather radiates from the Absolute Empty Space right away now, fills the whole Universe and hence falls on earth from every direction uniformly.

Similarly, in the Big Bang model, the temperature time-line of CMBR doesn’t match the time-line of stellar formations, whereas it is not a problem in the new model, at all.

Yes, this is not the background radiation from the remnants of the Big Bang anymore. It is the direct radiation from the underlying Absolute Empty Space of the whole Universe, being produced currently now. May we hence remove the word “Background” from “CMBR” and call it simply the “CMR (Cosmic Microwave Radiation)” from now on?! 

[For full article, please visit,


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